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Earth Day

Union Square Park, circa 1996

VivaVegie Society in the 1990s made every effort to attend every Earth Day in NYC wherever it may be. We were there by every means available to make our point clear. Going vegan is the green alternative.  For this demo, Earth Day was  in Union Square Park.
And, as per usual, we tried to be creative with our message. This time we correlated the amount of oil energy needed to produce human energy on a meat diet versus a vegan diet.

According to the 2011 pamphlet edition of "101 Reasons Why I'm a Vegetarian":  "A pound of beef takes three-quarters of a gallon of oil to produce. A 1,250- pound steer essentially embodies a whopping nine barrels of oil. About 40 calories of fossil fuel are needed to produce a single calorie of beef protein. By comparison, only 2.2 calories of fossil fuel are required to produce 1 calorie of plant protein."

VivaVegie Society


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